Monday, December 8, 2008

I knew the Irish ruled for a reason...

And it's not just because of their adorable accents.
My roommate Kayla showed me this banned Guinness commercial after I showed her a much less funny and much more cliched joke someone else sent me.
Decided to share it with you fine people. And by "fine people" I am fairly certain I mean "maybe Jon," since no one else reads this anyway.

Banned Commercial For Guinness - Watch more Girl Videos

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

"Let's Boogie to the Elf Dance!"

New career goal: Give Stephanie Meyer a run for her money.

If she can make a shit ton of money with the crappy, uninventive vampire romance stuff she gets published, so can I, right? Especially since, while my writing is not much above mediocre, it is way better than hers.

In other news, it's time to start listening to Sufjan Steven's Songs for Christmas!
I normally don't start listening to any holiday music until after Thanksgiving, but Sufjan's Christmas album is just so good (with song titles like the subject line of this blog entry, how cna it nnot be?), I have decided I dislike limiting myself to listening to it for only one month a year.
So, I'll extend it to about two months.

Time to read lots of science-y philosophy stuff that is way over my head.

Friday, October 17, 2008

i carry your heart with me

i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)
i fear
no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)

-e.e. cummings

One day, I hope to be my own entire person.
Today is not that day.
Today, I just need you.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Busy Bee Buzzes.

Just looking at my calender is stressing me the fuck out.
How can a human being do everything I need to do this month?
At least November is tame looking...
December is going to be hell, though, what with finals, lots of papers due, a wonky work schedule cause of exams, holidays, and directing a fucking show.
As much as I am excited about directing, I really wish I had waited till Spring, like I intended. But we needed directors, I saw it as my sort of duty to help out with it, and I wasn't planning on taking 18 credits when I said I'd do it. Then again, even with 15 I don't think I'd have had the time.
I'm taking one, maybe two, classes over the winter as well. No break for me.
And in the spring I plan to take 18 credits again. That, work, Hijinks, and hunting for somewhere to live off campus is going to drive me an early grave I'm sure.
All I know is, if not next week definitely the one after, I am going to have to become a paper-writing, studying fiend. I have a paper due next Tuesday, my Screenwriting treatment (5 pages) due next Thursday, my Soc. & Polit. Philosophy midterm next Friday, my logic midterm Monday the 20th, a paper for 1970's due Wed. the 22, and my Philosophy of Science midterm Friday the 24.
Oh, and the week of the 20 is tech week for Comic Relief.

Other news:
I pitched my movie for Screenwriting today. It's a zombie movie again, but not the one I originally intended. I think my professor liked it, he had only one critique to make of it (not making the zombies appear till act two instead of act one, which is indeed a good idea. I'm annoyed at myself for not doing that to begin with).
I am naming the characters all after people I know!
The three main characters are Holly Waldron, Andy Herron, and Greg Dalton. Jon McDermott gets killed early on, as does his movie girlfriend, Kristin Castello (Kristin as in Kristin Bell, Jon's celebrity-lover; I felt narcissistic putting a character named after myself in my own movie).
I also am planning on naming a police officer "Officer C. Holt" (C = Colin!), and the owner of a convenience store they go into "Judd Kingsbury". I am not sure what other characters they will definitely encounter yet, but as I write it I hope to fit as many as my friends names in as possible.
Sorry, everyone; there is a 99% chance you will all get eaten by zombies. Nothing personal.

I saw a lot of unexpected people today. Sightings include: Clark, Ralph, Chris Z., Matia, and Andrew, one of Jon's housemates (I think I have seen all of his housemates at least once, randomly, this week). It was nice to see all these people, and it makes me feel horrible for not keeping in contact with them (and especially for being so distant from my much beloved Basemen).
I'm such a jerk. A busy, busy, stressed out jerk.

Alright, enough bitching. Time to get this logic homework out of the way before rehearsal.


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Human Behavior, and some hippie nonsense.

People fascinate me.
I apply everything I've experienced from knowing, seeing, speaking to, and/or hearing about people to every social situation I go through. It's really quite fascinating, and has taught me a lot about how people think and why. It enables me to be braced for people's reactions to extreme events/occurrences, to give advice to others about how to act or to explain why someone may have reacted to something the way they did. I still think, sometimes, that maybe psych was the right path for me; not as a career, but as a study. I sort of mourn the loss of time now, since I plan to go down a career path completely irrelevant to my major anyway-- I may as well have done something with a bit more clout than philosophy, right?
I am still shocked by how terrible some people, are. Or by how I can misjudge them.
I've always had a pessimistic view of modern society, but a more positive one of the nature of the individual.
Over the last few months, perhaps a year or so, I've been rather surprised by just how awful some people are. And how some people who behave terribly, but are really good people, are simply ignorant and un-desiring of change.
I've been thinking about that a lot lately, and how sad it is. It's rather cheesey of me to say, but I do think everyone deserves to be happy, and I am convinced that no one can be happy while they're also being a dick. And I don't see how they can not change that if they can.
This journal is prompted by no event, really. Just some thoughts that have been floating around my brain more frequently in the last few weeks than usual. I am feeling eloquent right now, wanted to get them out.

In other news, I am surprised that so few people seem to appreciate the beauty of the world around them. They don't even seem to notice it.
I was walking down College Ave after class today. It was about 6 o'clock, and the buildings were that golden, orange-yellow color they turn when the sun sets just right. The saplings along the sidewalk have lemon yellow leaves now, and many litter the ground. People were walking, talking, and laughing. Hurrying to or from class. Goofing around. Listening to their iPods and minding themselves. A flock of tiny birds took off while I approached Brower and filled the sky with dozens of tiny black winged specks. Then they were gone.
It was gorgeous and no one seemed to notice, or even want to notice. They never do. I did, though.
I guess that's what makes it so special.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I know it's for the best, but I can't help but feel worthless.

I guess it means I'll have the time to do my homework, though.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hue Test

I got this while procrastinating my mound of homework with Stumble and it was fun... I got a score of 37, with 0 being a perfect score. It was tricky; staring at my computer screen made it difficult to discern the colors after a certain amount of time passed. Also, my laptop screen distorts colors depending on the angle you have it at, so maybe that had some bearing on my dismal score.
I can only hope!