Saturday, August 23, 2008

Fall Semester Resolutions

Just to help encourage me, and to help me keep my head on straight!

1. Keep a planner with assignments, meetings, exams, etc. up-to-date.
2. Actually use the aforementioned planner
3. Keep up with class readings; don't say "oh, I can finish this tomorrow before class..."
4. Study for exams. Word is, that helps.
5. Go to office hours for at least one class at least every other week!
6. Don't sign on for any extra CAP obligations.
7. Practice Photoshop, learn Illustrator.
8. Be more optimistic; not everyone secretly hates you.
9. Make friends in class. It's not that hard, right?
10. Quit smoking!!!
11. Buy a bike.
12. No more C's!
13. Don't take naps. They feel great, but that's how you end up skipping class...
14. DON'T SKIP CLASS! Short of hospitalization, no reason is as good as you convince yourself it is.
15. Hit the gym once in a while, Tubs.
16. Don't waste money on silly things.
17. Okay, don't waste too much money on silly things.
18. Go bed at decent hours!

In other news, I watched They Live the other day and it was awesome. I also watched the most recent live-action Peter Pan, which was positively adorable. Tonight I watched Sudden Manhattan at Brandon's; it was weird and had a lot of completely pointless lines and characters in it, and nothing was really made clear. I enjoyed watching it, but I don't think it's too good of a movie. I want to finish watching Smiley Face.
I move into my dorm Monday... can't wait to get back to school for the year!

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