Monday, September 8, 2008

It's the End of the World as we Know it!

Do you feel fine?

Hah. What a cheesey title.
But no, really. The world is supposedly possibly going to end on Wednesday. Or maybe approximately four years from Wednesday.
A Welsh Physicist is flipping the switch of a giant atomic generator on Wednesday in order to try and recreate the environment of the Big Bang. This may be totally groundbreaking and awesome for science, or it will be literally groundbreaking and cause black holes to errupt all over the planet, effectively destroying life.
I don't think it will really destroy the world, but you can't help but think... what if it does?

All I can say is, the knowledge of the apocalypse possibly happening on Wednesday is making reading for 18th Century Novel harder to focus on than it was before.

To read about it for yourself, check out this handy article my friend Greg sent me.

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