Sunday, May 11, 2008


I've grown so much in the last few months... I mean, it really started over the summer. But this last semester is when it's really started to show.
I think I've changed for the better. I can only hope so.
I've been so lucky lately.
My friends are amazing. I've had such a great time... I may not be doing well academically. I may still be depressed a lot. I have no idea what to do with my life...
But I still know and remember I have people who love me. I don't get angry as easily as I used to. My spiritual/religious beliefs feel the most stable now than ever before, and that makes me feel good. I've managed to wrangle me the sweetest boy ever, and I have no idea what I did to deserve such luck.

I've changed a lot.
I think it's been for the best.
I'm becoming who I want to be; someone I can be happy with being.
I'm gradually becoming less ashamed of me... that's a huge thing for me.
As I said, I'm still struggling with my crazies, and with really accepting some things in my life... but I know what I have to work on and I'm starting to do the things needed to work on them.

This summer will show me if those changes I've made will stay or not... I hope they do. Because even when I'm sad now, I have some strength to fight it and become happy again on my own.
That's huge for me...

I think, whatever I chose to do with life, I can manage it as long as I can remember this moment.
And if I still have someone I love to turn to in them... and with friends like those I have, I don't think I'll ever really be alone.

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