Sunday, June 15, 2008


I've never been huge into zombies. I mean, I fucking love Shaun of the Dead, and I always enjoy the classics like Evil Dead... but I've never been one of the people who are literally prepared for a zombie apocalypse, with exit strategies and survival bunkers in their basement. I know people like that, and let me tell you those psychos are scary.
But a few days ago, my friends Lyndsey and Brandon somehow started getting into an intense conversation about legislative zombie rights. They discussed the different possibilities about legal rights for zombies should there ever actually be an onslaught on the creatures on society. I was distracted by texting Jon at the time and could only half listen, or join into the conversation with a comment they already discussed or one that was utterly irrelevant. However, now that I am back home after a busy weekend of rehearsal and matrimony (my cousin, not me!) I've had time to sit and think about useless topics. So, while surfing the Grindhouse Pictures website, I decided to Wikipedia zombies (not sure why, I guess it was just the whole "horror movie" mindset). I've been getting more and more into the horror scene lately, a mixture of being back home and thusly on the look out for shitty horror films to watch as well as dating a hardcore horror-film buff, and it's getting to the point where I really want to write/be in a horror film. Preferably a terrible one, but if I ever have a chance to be in a good one I guess I'll take it, heh.
Anyway, as I Wikipedia'd "zombie" and followed the bajillion links from that single article, I wound up on a page discussing philosophical zombies, or p-zombies. And I think it just may be that I have found my calling in life. Or at least in the field of philosophy.
P-zombies deal entirely in thought experiments, and the questioning of whether or not physicalism is true. My thought processes when dealing with any sort of philosophy in regards to human beings, animals, plants, etc. boils down to sentience and the presence of the mind versus the presence of a body and what is or is not significant about those things. When arguing about pretty much anything from abortion to torture to the existence of pleasure and/or happiness, you have to decide where you stand in regards to the mental and the physical, their impact on the situation, whether one matters more than other if either matter at all, etc. etc. etc. Even as a child I remember contemplating an argument very similar to Decartes' in his Meditations (mind you that doesn't say much about Descartes if a seven year old is coming up with theories he thought to be groundbreaking), which brings into question the impact/existence of the mind over the body. And p-zombies is an entire field of philosophy that is pretty much dedicated to that!

I have also decided I really want to make a zombie movie which deals with p-zombies... perhaps some sort of post-zombie apocalypse film, when society has nearly attained total victory over the walking dead, and the few remaining zombies are being wrangled up by authorities. It could be awesome, perhaps some sort of radical zombie-rights group breaks them out and chaos once again ensues... I don't know, I literally just made that up now as I type. It's lame. But whatever, I have time to work on it, heh.


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