Sunday, June 22, 2008

So, I'm sitting here listening to the newest Girl Talk album, which rocks, and have decided I wanted to conform to Jon's blog and post a playlist! This is just a random list I made one day when it was gorgeous out and I was lazing around my room with sunlight streaming through the window... it was good to listen to then and I hope you like it to. And by you I really mean Jon, since he's the only one who reads this thing.

In other news, I'm trying to seriously think of ideas for a zombie movie. Fortunately I am taking a screen writing class in the fall and get to write a movie script about whatever I damn well please. And I suspect that I will damn well please write about zombies.

Its Sunny Out!

Though I was listening to GT at the start of this post, my iTunes started playing the Smashing Pumpkins shortly after I posted it. That caused me to get all nostalgic, since even though I haven't listened to the Pumpkins in ages (and have adamantly boycotted their "new" albums since they "reformed") they are still one of my favorite bands of all times.
I started to watch their old music videos and Jesus, I forgot how awesome the video for "Tonight, Tonight" is. And that is my favorite song in the history of ever. Maybe that will be the basis for my next playlist. Hm.
Anyway, now you should bask in the glory that once was the Smashing Pumpkins... and then mourn for the terrible they've taken since.

For the last time, Billy Corgan. You are not actually famous any more; get over it and stop trying to be you in the 90's!

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