Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Let Hell Week Commence!

Though only two people bother to read this, I figured I ought to throw the trailer for Wacky Hijinks 2008 up here on the off-chance someone else sees it.

Tech week has begun for Hijinks now, which means I have even less of a social life than I did before. Well, actually I had a fantastic social life-- it has just been cut down to only Hijinks people. Which I'm fine with; but I feel I've been neglecting my Leupp friends for the last two months or so... hopefully with the show coming to fruition now, I'll be able to spend some time with everyone I want to.
I had to memorize a monologue from Merchant of Venice and recite it to my professor for my Shakespeare class. It was Portia's "the quality of mercy is not strained, it droppeth as the gentle rain upon the place below..." speech. I really loved that play, and that's a beautiful passage so I didn't mind too much. It took me about 25 minutes to memorize.
I went to my professor's office hours to present it to him. I did and he told me I did a great job and said I was a model student and have nothing to worry about for tomorrow's midterm. I feel ashamed, like I was lying to him; I haven't studied at all for it, and I must commit 70 individual events with their year of occurrence to memory. By tomorrow. With rehearsal tonight until forever-o'clock.
I'm an awful student and I feel terrible that he was led to believe that I'm not.
Also, it appears a webcomic is in the works for me, Jon, Andy and Zach. It would be really great if we actually carried it out, though I worry I won't be able to contribute too much to it; I'm not great at drawing or writing comics... I just wish I was.
There are a lot of things I wish I was.
In cheerier news, I love Jon. Just throwing it up here in case he reads it; plus I wanted something happy to write after the above self-deprecation. :)